10 One Day Tourist and Local Places to Visit in



Vindhyachal Viewpoint:

Capture breathtaking panoramic views of the Vindhya Range.

Chunar Fort:

Explore the historic Chunar Fort known for its strategic location and architectural marvels.

Wyndham Falls:

Witness the mesmerizing beauty of Wyndham Falls, a serene waterfall nestled in nature.

Ashtabhuja Pahar:

Hike to Ashtabhuja Pahar for a trekking adventure and stunning views.

Dargah Sharif, Chunar:

Visit the revered Dargah Sharif for its spiritual ambiance.

Tanda Waterfall:

Enjoy a refreshing day at Tanda Waterfall, a hidden gem for nature lovers.

Vijaygarh Fort:

Discover the historical significance of Vijaygarh Fort and its captivating architecture.

Kakarahiya Reserve Forest:

Embrace nature at Kakarahiya Reserve Forest with its diverse flora and fauna.

Sirsi Dam:

Relax by the Sirsi Dam a perfect spot for a peaceful day by the water.

Salkhan Fossil Park:

Unearth the past at Salkhan Fossil Park, featuring ancient fossils and geological wonders.